Village of Gradeshnica

Category: Села - Villages - Χωριά

Gradeshnica is one of the most famous villages in Mariovo (Bitola’s part of Mariovo) that is a part of Municipality of Novaci and it is 53 km. distant from Bitola.

The location of this village if very specific which may be seen from the fact that Gradeshnica is located quite close to Prilep municipality and at the same time close to the border with Greece.



gradesnica-mariovo-03According to one supposition Gradeshnica got its name for being the most developed of all Mariovo villages, having almost urban appearance, but other supposition says that Gradeshnica village was named after Gradeshka Reka.
Gradeshnica is hilly village located on 850 m. altitude in the valley of Gradeshka Reka, which makes the village quite picturesque. This village was much known for the high birth rate; therefore it is not surprising that Gradeshnica always has been the most populated of all Mariovo villages.
But, neither Gradeshnica was saved from intensive emigrating in the second half of 20 century. So, out of 1,085 inhabitants according to the census of 1953, today less than 100 inhabitants live there.

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