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Village Staravina

Staravina is a village in the municipality of Novaci located at the foot of the mountain Nidje, 50 km distant from Bitola.

Staravina is a border village because of its distance of about 20 km from our south neighboring country, Greece. According to some legends the village of Staravina has derived its name from the words old wines.

staravina-mariovo-01Namely, there were a lot of old vineyards in the past where from good quality wine had been produced, but later through the wars they have been destroyed. Staravina as many other villages of the Mariovo region had glorious past. According to the census of 1953 Staravina had 741 inhabitants. But, not just because of that. In Staravina a watchtower functioned where the headquarters of the army, was housed, infirmary and a central primary school was built in 1950 where children from all surrounding villages came.
A one time Staravina was a seat of the municipality of the Bitola Mariovo region; while in 1997 Staravina municipality was formed which unfortunately was disbanded in 2005 because of small number of inhabitants and impossibility to self-finance.
According to the last census of 2002 Staravina village had 23 inhabitants only. The village revives only during the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos which is the feast of the village.


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