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Toponyms from the region of Gradeshnica, Staravina, Zovikj

Baba is a locality between Staravina and Bzovikj. It is actually a small hill. The folks believe that the area has got its name from an evil old woman that was killed by lightning in the area.

God punished her once he met her on the hill.
Babari is located northwest of Staravina, on the road to the village of Bzovikj, near the hill called Baba. On the day of Basil the Great (Vasilica) Babari from Staravina and Bzovikj met here and fought. There were many dead. In their honor that place was called Babari.
Samovilec is place between Staravina and Gruniste. At a time the fairies were hiding there and it is believed that someone from Staravina had great troubles with fairies.
Saint or Leshnitsa. The saint is rock on which large fresco of St. Nicholas has been painted. Stone is like awning, so no rain of wind reaches the fresco. Two hundred years ago the village of Leshnica was located on this place. Leshnitsa was robbed and burned, and the population took refuge in the Lerin village of Voshtarani. Recently a woman has come to Staravina who claimed that her mother was from the village of Leshnica. The village has been located near the current river Leshnica.
Dushogubec  (Losing the soul) plateau to Gradeshnica, rich with oak forest. Once here crowd of people has frozen and died. Since then, the site carries the current name Dushogubec.
Peshta, hill between Gradesnica and Staravina. There is a cave. Even today at the spot old Roman coins are found which indicates that at a time there was a settlement. Remains of buildings could be also found. In this ancient settlement Slavs lived.

Done Panovski, Toponyms in three Meglen and three Mariovo villages, published in Miscellany from Mariovo and Meglen through the history, 2000, 342 p.