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Mint - Mentha piperita

The mint is an annual herbaceous plant reaching the height 50-100 cm.

The stem is branched and has a rectangular shape; the leaves are long and serrated with recognizable aroma of mint. The flowers of mint are grouped in clusters and have a purple color. The genus menthae is widely spread; yet it more grows in moist areas and soils. Mint blooms from June to September. This plant is one of the most curative of our region. Mint is very good tranquilizer for a variety of health problems, besides that it has a pleasant taste. The mint as a natural remedy is used for: stomach disorders (cramps and bloating), respiratory diseases, intestinal disorders and diseases of the liver and bile. The essential oils of mint also have a wide range of effects, such as: antimicrobial, fungicidal, antiviral, spasmolytic on the digestive system. The mint or mint tea is mostly used for inflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth; as an inhaler that has a favorable effect on the respiratory system, it is a remedy against insomnia, as a coating for fatigue and red eyes. Mint tea also acts as tranquilizer; it strengthens the nerves and improves the appetite. The curative powers of this herb are quite large, and almost there is no disease that mint does not treat.


Expert report on natural landmarks in the municipality of Novaci
Prepared by: Bozidar Boshkovski