Chebren is a place in Mariovo with rich history. Chebren area belongs to the village of Zovikj, i.e. municipality of Novaci.
At the end of the XVIII and early XIX century, major political, social and economic changes occurred in the Ottoman Empire as a result of the military defeats that drove the country into economic and political dependence on the European countries.
There are nine churches in the village of Gradeshnica. One of the oldest is the church of St. Demetrius which some authors consider dating from XIV or XV century.
Explore the Cultural and historical sites in Novaci Municipality. Visit the locations marked on the map and study the route well before you start out on your trip.
House of Kalesh Angja – program produced by Tera TV
Kalesh Angja is one of the heroines mentioned in the folk songs at most; Staravina village is her birthplace.
Explore the nature and culture of Municipality of Novaci. Visit the sites marked on the map and study the route well before you start out on your journey.
The church of St. Salvation that is near the Chebren monastery, left from the macadam road leading to the monastery, located on a hill above Crna Reka, is outside from the third defensive wall of the medieval town of Chebren.
In the vicinity of the village of Zovikj the river Gradeshka flows, which springs in the mountain of Nidje and first empties in the river Satoka, then in Crna Reka.
Video recorded near the film bridge in the village of Zovikj, MariovoMarch 23. 2014